Valley Learning Partnership

New corporate identity and website for strategic learning partnership.

As a strategic learning partnership, Valley Learning Partnership brought together two of the leading high schools in Calderdale to offer a unique opportunity to support school improvement throughout the immediate and surrounding area.

Fourteen19® has had a relationship with The Brooksbank School and Brighouse High School for a number of years and this made us the perfect choice to partner with for a strategic communications review and new website.

Over the summer of 2020, I worked closely with the Executive Headteacher and together they developed a new corporate identity and visual style. The previous logo was ‘refined’ to work across a multitude of communication channels & platforms, and a set of brand guidelines was created to ensure consistent communications.

A new website was created which allows Valley Learning staff to completely manage the content from the addition/removal of pages through to the adding of new partners and job vacancies.

  • Valley Partnership image
What’s going on in the Fourteen19® universe:

Through no fault of their own, it is often a lack of ‘agency’ that holds many young people back. At Fourteen19® we are committed to addressing this.

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1 in 5 young people are listening to podcasts - are you utilising this growing engagement activity?

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Over the past decade you have might have heard about Fourteen19®, seen us at events or even scrolled past one of our posts. But do you know what we do and if we can be of benefit to you or your organisation?

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Within increased financial pressures on the horizon, demonstrating impact needs to be much more than publishing a list of numbers in a board report.

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