Career In Law

For the first time SRA were looking to speak to directly to 18-26 year olds to inform them about forthcoming changes to how people will qualify to become a solicitor.

The new SQE qualification has been designed to increase diversity in the sector and make it more inclusive to people from all backgrounds. Following a successful tender win in March 2018, we have managed a project that has delivered a full creative solution.

TeenStrategy Objective:

Develop and launch an inclusive youth brand aimed at 18-26 year olds from a variety of backgrounds

#TeenStrategy Solution:

  • Extensive nationwide research using focus groups and online surveys
  • Creative co-creation and on-going testing with target audience
  • Campiagn executed across multiple online and offline channels

Activated #TeenStrategy:

  • Supply of identity marks and logos in multiple formats
  • Production of brand guidelines
  • Development of associated promotional assets including animated films, social media assets and online banner advertising

#TeenStrategy Success:

  • Over 1000 young adults consulted as part of the project
  • Delivery of a creative solution that could be mapped against audience research
  • Internal team able to demonstrate the credibility and validity of the approach & justify the final creative approach
  • Campaign soft launched in Autumn '18 with over 500 people already signed up to gain additional information







  • Career In Law image
What’s going on in the Fourteen19® universe:

Through no fault of their own, it is often a lack of ‘agency’ that holds many young people back. At Fourteen19® we are committed to addressing this.

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Over the past decade you have might have heard about Fourteen19®, seen us at events or even scrolled past one of our posts. But do you know what we do and if we can be of benefit to you or your organisation?

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Within increased financial pressures on the horizon, demonstrating impact needs to be much more than publishing a list of numbers in a board report.

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